Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My first experience with a pushy doctor

So today is the day that i was looking forward to for a week. Even longer actually. I've been wanting to get the kids to the doctor because people always ask "how much do your kids weigh, have you had them vaccinated, what percentile are they in?" This is mostly their grandparents, but also others at times.
I was excited that this doctor was only 4 blocks away and then it all crashed down on me in the waitting room. I was early to the appt. and got a good look at what i was in for. No toys for the kids to play with. The only thing they wanted to do was climb under the glass coffee table that i could tell was a danger to them. I could just picture my beautiful little Patience underneath and then Sam crashing something down on top while she is cut into a million pieces. Then every face is completely unsmiling and ununderstanding. So it takes them forty five minutes to see us. This whole time my weeks worth of excitement is carrying me through. This is the appointment that i have anticipated because sam will get his ears checked and that is the springboard to his getting recommended to a speech pathologist. But back to the appt. The nurse was lovely and we found out that P weighs 19 pounds and Sam a whopping 36. Which is 2 less than i thought either of them to be. Which hopefully means that i am 2 less also. Then off to room 5. The usual questions as to why i'm there and i say its just to have their eyes ears mouths checked. No i don't want any vaccinations. Yes i've done my research and i've made an informed decision with my husband and am confident that its the right choice. So exit the nurse and enter the doctor. He says right off that he'll be insisting on the polio vacs and then i say no then he says he must give P a hep b and i say no. Then he says he cannot be responsible for my choices and won't be able to see my kids. I say that will be fine with me and will he please just generally check the kids and he does and says the're in perfect health and don't need to be seen for a year. Then my next request is a hearing test and he says no, Sam would'nt sit through it and anyways if my concern is his speech that'll all naturally come together when he enters school. By now what should i expect. I was ready to go, and he was ready for me to go. But do you think i was ever unkind this whole time, or freakishly uneasy? Scott would probably guess that i was. Even possibly bad and irrational. I admit that there are times when i would have, could have, been. But not today. I counted this visit a loss and was only gentle and firm and nice and thats that. So now i still want sam to see the speech pathologist. Not that i think he has a disorder, maybe just a delay. But i am no professional, and they say that a mom/dad would be the one who has a feeling if something is'nt quite right. Anyways, more on this when we take him and that is still exciting to me. He is so eager to learn and when we practice things he really gets them. I just want more tools to help him get words out right. He sees a shool bus and says "momma, want to go to school". Too precious! He thinks that school is like this carnival we went to at Levi and Jesses school. With a gazillion games and prizes and food and 10 suckers! What do you all think about various schools. In MI i saw a christian montessori school. That'd be cool. I would love for him to get spanish from day one. I could also see homeschool, but i am so anti social that i don't think i'd get him around as many kids as he'd like. Anyways, if you never get to the end of this days blog i understand and if you did and expect me to write like this often, i probably won't. But twas a good little time i've had. Now off to call my hubby who is still out of town.


At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, so are you not getting any shots? I am not so far, but the doc keeps asking me and I just say no. But I know carebear did get 1 or 2. Wondering what you are doing. Also, my nephew was having trouble talking and they are doing hearing test...that doc sounded kinda off, so maybe it would be worth it to see a different doc and get the test b/c catching it early is good and better safe ya know. anyway, we hope to see you on our way out. we now plan to depart thursday the 18th. love you devon.

At 7:44 PM, Blogger devon said...

With Sam we got the dtp and maybe some other thing, but not the mmr i don't think, and not hep b. These were because we went to Costa Rica and felt like the tetanus would be good. We did'nt let them give the kids anything in the hospital but the vitamin K. With Patience we probably are'nt going out of the country for a long time. Except, listen to this. Round trip tickets from oakland to costa for 250 on
Can't wait to see you.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Whoa! I don't know what I would have done if I was in that doctor's office. He probably would have made me cry. But on the school subject...I think homeschooling is wonderful and there are weekly play groups, story times at the library, stuff like that could help you get out more. There are also some good Christian schools. But public schools-I don't think I could ever send my kids there, especially in Califorina! I've heard such horrible things. It seems so different from when we were there.

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Rebeca said...

Those are some cute kids there!
I'm sorry about your doctor experience- they're not all like that.
I would put in a shameless plug for homeschooling- public schools aren't nuetral, they are anti-God and there is a HUGE not-so-thinly veiled agenda. And I went to Christian schools and many of them are not much better (since a lot of the students are kids who were in too much trouble in public school.)
God gave those kids to you, to love, to train, to teach. No one can do that like you can. I wrote a post a while back called To Fit in or Not to Fit in about why we plan to homeschool. There are so many great resources out there, many of them free. I'd be glad to send you some links to stuff if you're interested.
And (belated) happy Mother's day!
Bless you, and your little family,

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Devon! Sometimes it's hard to stand up to doctor's who seem to lord their knowledge over you. Keep standing by what you believe in and trusting God to guide you in every circumstance.


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